Create Custom Rules

Our custom rules feature provides a way to set up a customized data extraction solution for any type of document within minutes.

Zero Coding
Any techincal or non-technical person can create custom rules with ease
Text Highlight
Validate results live while defining the rules using our text highlight feature
Instant Extraction
Instantly extract data from the document after the custom rules are saved
Configurable Rules
Modify the custom rules anytime
How it works
We use OCR technology with pattern matching to extract important data from the documents. You can set up custom rules for any type of document with these 3 simple steps.
Upload Document
Upload document from which you want to extract data
Setup Rules
Setup Custom Rules
Setup custom rules for the fields you want to extract without any coding skills
Start Extraction
After the rules are set, you can instantly extract data from the documents

Put AI to work

Test our platform for invoice documents

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